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Renewed opportunity for bus lanes on Stevens Creek

On Monday December 13th at 10am, the Stevens Creek Corridor Transit Steering Committee is meeting to discuss opportunities to bring rapid transit to Stevens Creek boulevard.

The committee, composed of representatives from San Jose, Santa Clara, Cupertino and Santa Clara County, along with VTA will discuss a study to create a vision for the corridor, exploring improvements for transit, bicycle, pedestrian, driving and land use, in order to meet mobility and safety goals.

VTA had earlier considered bus rapid transit for the corridor in the teens, but that option was not pursued at the time due to opposition along the corridor. The corridor is currently served by 523 Rapid bus route and the 23 local route.

The communities are getting ready for a new effort to improve transit. The new study will look at a variety of options to speed buses, including signal priority, queue jumps, and all door boarding. The study will also look at a variety of bus lane options, including lanes that serve buses and other high occupancy vehicles, peak hour bus only lanes, and all-day bus only lanes, and the current mixed traffic.

The study will look at opportunities to improve pedestrian and bicycle travel on the corridor and connections to the corridor, and bus stop improvements. The scope of the study includes outreach to communities along the corridor, and the funding for the study will include contributions by the communities.

To watch the meeting and comment, the Zoom link is here:

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