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Many organizations are running campaigns to advocate for a better transportation system in the Bay Area. Learn about these campaigns and how you can get involved.

Candidates on the March 2024 Ballot

Transportation Questionnaire for Bay Area Candidates for Office that are on the March 2024 Ballot

Organization: Transbay Coalition

See responses to transportation questions from over 60 candidates for office across the 9 County Bay Area that will be on the March 5th 2024 Primary Ballot.

See what candidates for City Council, County Supervisor, State Assembly, State Senate and Congress have to say about transportation issues:

All Regions

East Bay

North Bay


San Francisco

South Bay

Project cosponsored with SPURSeamless Bay AreaSan Francisco Transit RidersSilicon Valley Bike Coalition, and Bike East Bay

*All candidates for office in the 9 County Bay Area were approached with the opportunity to complete the questionnaire and given time to do so. Candidates who did not respond, could not be reached, or declined to complete the questionnaire have not been included.

Aerial view of traffic on the West Span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge

Bay Bridge Bus Lanes

Organization: Transbay Coalition

Over 80 bus routes travel across the Bay Bridge, bringing tens of thousands of passengers in and out of San Francisco every day. With Assembly Bill 455 in the State Senate, now is the perfect opportunity to speed up buses on the bridge

Map of Silicon Valley transportation options including new BART stops

Improving BART to Silicon Valley

Organization: Transbay Coalition

Phase II of the Silicon Valley BART extension is one of the most important transit projects in the Bay Area, but design compromises and high costs could hamper future transit. Fortunately, key decision-makers have indicated they may be willing to review aspects of the project

Megaproject Delivery Reform

Organization: Transbay Coalition

Too often, key infrastructure projects run over budget and behind schedule. A group of reformers is asking the legislature to fund research into these high costs, to ensure sustainable infrastructure projects can be delivered more efficiently

A decorative map showcasing the different and overlapping transit jurisdictions in the Bay area.

Seamless Transit

Organization: Seamless Bay Area

Seamless Bay Area’s mission is to transform the Bay Area’s fragmented public transit into a world-class, unified, equitable, and widely-used system by building a diverse movement for change and promoting policy reforms.

Tempo bus at a bus rapid transit stop.

East Bay Bus Lanes

Organization: East Bay Transit Rider’s Union

The success of AC Transit’s Tempo BRT line shows how effective bus lanes can be. A number of streetscape projects are underway across the East Bay, and advocacy can help ensure that transit lanes are a part of these projects

A terrifying paint-only bike lane on the edge of the highway with a gutter taking up much of its width

Making Highways More Bus & Bike Friendly

Organization: Bike East Bay

As part of the 2022 State Highway Operation & Protection Program, (SHOPP) Caltrans will spend twenty billion dollars on highway & interchange projects. By advocating for these projects to include complete streets elements, this program can help improve sustainable transportation

The Bay Bridge seen from a Ferry's perspective below all the traffic.

Regional Transit Funding Measure

Organization: Voices for Public Transportation

Voices for Public Transportation is a coalition of organizations advocating for improved transit in the Bay Area. VPT aims to build an equitably-funded, world class transit system for the Bay.

A South San Francisco 11 lane highway.

Stop Highway Expansion in South San Francisco

Organization: Sustainable South City

Highway 101 is slated to receive nine miles of new express lanes in South San Francisco. Highway widening is bad for communities and bad for the environment, so these lanes should be implemented by converting existing general-traffic lanes, and not by building new ones.