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30 Second Action: Sign our petition

Please sign our petition and spread the word!

Below is why this action is important:

We have a once in a generation opportunity to transform the El Cerrito Plaza BART station into a vibrant gathering hub with mixed-income housing, shops, restaurants, and public spaces. A thoughtful plan will enhance and serve the existing neighborhood residents as well as the broader community, which relies on BART and surrounding amenities and services. To accomplish this, BART and the City of El Cerrito need to take an “all of the above” strategy to station access so that the need for driving and parking is minimized.

We have created a petition to the BART Board and the El Cerrito City Council asking them to take action to ensure we address our climate and housing emergencies. While the petition text spells out all of the actions we are asking of the Board and City Council, one key point is our belief that any need for BART rider parking should be handled by the City managing parking on surrounding streets, and not by building parking on BART property. This goes hand in hand with BART and the City making it as safe and convenient as possible to access BART via walking, biking / rolling, and public transportation.

With the actions we are proposing, residents of the transit oriented development will be less likely to own cars, BART riders will be more likely to access the station without driving, and surrounding streets will have sufficient parking available for local residents as well as the BART riders whose personal circumstances necessitate that they drive and park.

We hope you will sign the petition and spread the word!

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